In many houses, wallpaper is a prominent method of decoration. To have a really clean house, you need to make sure that the wallpaper in your house is as clean as everything else. One part of housekeeping that many people overlook is the need to dust your wallpaper regularly. Although there are many different methods of doing this, the easiest and best way to dust wallpaper is to use a vacuum cleaner. If you choose this method, make sure you use a wall brush extension, since this will not fray or shred the edges of the wallpaper.
Not everyone has the option to use a wall brush extension. If you do not have the attachment for your vacuum cleaner, wrap a clean cloth around a broom or mop. Wipe the cloth over your wall paper, being careful around the edges to not lift up any of your wall paper or tear the edges. You should not have to press very hard to get the dust off. If you happen to have a micro fiber dusting cloth, it will pick up the dust even better than a regular one will. Just remember while using a cloth to change it once it gets dirty. If you do not change the cloth regularly, it could smudge your wallpaper, which is much worse than the dust that normally covers the paper. You should always lift cobwebs upward instead of wiping them onto the wallpaper, since they may also smudge.
No matter what you use, make sure to cover the entire surface of the wallpaper. This is not difficult if you keep a consistent and systematic method of wiping down the walls. The best way to do it is to work your way down the wall, starting at the highest point of the wallpaper, which is probably the ceiling. Going top to bottom helps to keep dust from being spread up the wall as you dust, and it prevents dust from the top from falling onto a surface you've already cleaned.
The cleaning methods above work for all wallpapers, but if you have a scrubbable or washable wallpaper, you can use soapy water to either scrub or wash it. Wallpaper stores also often carry a putty-like wallpaper cleaner that removes dust when it is rubbed over wallpaper, but this method is harder to do systematically. Putty-type wallpaper cleansers must be worked with the hands, which makes reaching wallpaper on or near the ceiling difficult.
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