Have you ever noticed how difficult cleaning crochet work seems to be? For some reason, the delicate and intricate work that is most often associated with crochet work scares many people from cleaning this type of material. Cleaning crochet work can actually be a fairly easy thing to do, even if it will require a little extra attention on your part. Never fear though, if you follow these simple guidelines you will be able to have some beautiful and clean crochet work for years to come.
- Identify the material. Crochet work can be done in a variety of different materials, and each of which will require its own unique cleaning methods. This means that, before you begin cleaning crochet work, you need to identify what type of material it is made from. Once you have determined what the material is, type in the type of material in the search box at the top of the screen, and you will get some great information on cleaning that type of material.
- Hand wash the crocheted material. Once you have identified the type of material, it is time to begin your general cleaning. When cleaning crochet work, be sure that you always wash it by hand. While some types of crochet work can be washed in a washing machine, it is generally safer to clean them by hand. To do this, you first gently agitate some warm soapy water with the crochet work. Be sure that you never wring or scrub the crochet work. When you rinse the crochet work, make sure that you also drain the basin or sink with some cold fresh water. Repeat the process as necessary until the water is completely clear and free of any soap suds.
- Storing. Before storing the crochet work, make sure that you have completely dried it. Do this by first gently removing any excess water by gently pressing down on the crochet work. After removing the excess water, lay the crochet work out on a soft, dry towel, and then roll it up. As you roll it up, press firmly (do not wring) to ensure that you get the crochet work as dry as possible. Once you have allowed the crochet work to completely dry for 24 hours, gently stretch it back into shape, and store it in a dry location such as your linen closet.
- Periodic cleaning. The best way to keep your crochet work clean, is to make sure that you clean the crochet work periodically no matter if it looks as if it needs it or not. On average, if you are using your crochet work on a regular basis, clean it as necessary. If you are only using your crochet work as a decoration here and there, then clean it once every three months.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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