Half-Way Through

Here we are, half-way through the month already. It seems just like yesterday that we were celebrating New Year's. (I say this knowing full well that some people may still be celebrating New Year's, as they celebrate a bit longer than others.) Time does seem to march on, doesn't it?

I hope that you are doing well and that you enjoy the tips in this week's newsletter.


Cleaning Tips for 20 January 2025

Clean walls are inviting
Dust Your Wallpaper Regularly

Wallpaper, like any other home decor, needs to be dusted and cleaned on a regular basis to make a house look bright and tidy. Putty cleaners are difficult to use, but similar results can be obtained by using a vacuum dusting extension or a dust rag on the end of a mop.

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Clean pillows decorate a room
Removing Eyeliner Stains

A toothbrush is a handy scrubbing tool for getting rid of eyeliner marks. Use a toothbrush and dish soap, makeup remover, or bar soap to brush away stains. Baby wipes and other cleaners also work to break down eyeliner and other kinds of makeup stains.

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Hanging out the laundry to dry
Remove Soil or Mud Stains with Vinegar

Mud and soil are gross and unfortunately just happen sometimes. Sometimes those stains however are impossible to remove and you find yourself at a laundry dead end. Don't lose hope however because you still have options.

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Dryers are often-used appliances
Dryer Safety

A dryer is an extremely convenient household appliance, but it can also be dangerous. Dryers can be a possible source for fires to begin if the dryer is not properly maintained and cared for. There are some things to remember about dryer safety that can help keep you protected against potential dangers.

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