Over the years we come to expect that the carpeting in our homes will collect all manner of odors, stains, and grime. We also expect to be able to clean this carpeting ourselves. The odors in the carpet can be easy to remove (you drop a piece of smelly food on the carpet) to very difficult to remove (spilled cologne or chemical smells from bug sprays). Removing difficult carpet odors can be vexing if you don't know what to do. Here are some simple guidelines and methods that can help you with even the most stubborn of carpet odor removal problems.
- Ozone generator. Ozone generators are a wonderful way to remove all kinds of nasty smells from the home. Simply turn these machines on for 40 to 60 minutes and leave the room. The ozone that is generated will help get rid of mold, smoke, cooking odors, bacteria, and usually harsh chemical smells. There is no toxic residue left over once the machine has run its course, and can help sanitize the entire room. Better yet, these little machines are rentable at most local home improvement stores.
- Odo-Ban. Available at most major grocery stores, Odo-Ban is a simple spray that you can use throughout the affected area. If you follow the directions on the bottle correctly, then you will be able to remove all the offending smells in the room. Odo-Ban comes in gallon bottles that will require some mixing and smaller ready-to-use bottles that you can simply open and spray. Be sure that you allow complete drying before using the room again.
- Professional cleaning. Sometimes it is simply best to break down and hire a professional to clean your carpeting. While it may be more expensive than renting an ozone machine or buying a product such as Odo-Ban, most reputable cleaners will be able to tell you if the problem is even able to be fixed through cleaning. If not, then you should look at the next step. Keep in mind that most reputable carpet services will guarantee their work, as well.
- Replace carpeting. Replacing the carpeting in your home, while it may not be the most inexpensive of options, definitely has its advantages. The number one case for simply replacing the carpet, if you cannot remove the odor of the harsh chemicals, is that the chemicals used to get rid of an insect infestation are usually toxic. If you can still smell the chemicals, then that means they are still there and are potentially dangerous to you and your family. Removing the carpet will remove the odor and the toxic chemicals, making it safe once again for your family.
Author Bio
Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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