Floors and Flooring

It goes without question that the floors of our homes and workplaces are made from a variety of different materials. The question actually lies in what the flooring is made of. Cleaning and taking care of hardwood flooring is not the same method that you are going to take when trying to maintain and clean laminate flooring. This is all still different from the approaches that you are going to need to use if you ever have to clean up gym flooring. Take some time to look here for the answers to all of your flooring questions and needs.

Tips, Tricks, and Answers

The following articles are available for the 'Floors and Flooring' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

   Carpet Cleaners
It can really help your carpet to have it cleaned well once in a while. Choose the best method for you, and get the carpet cleaned thoroughly to bring out its beauty.

   Carpet Cleaning Services
Do you wish the dirty carpet in your home could look like new again? With a carpet cleaning service to do the job you can get your flooring looking great!

   Carpet Odor Removal
There are all kinds of things that can create an odor in your carpeting, and while there are some simple steps that anyone can take to handle most carpet odors, there is one kind of carpet odor that is particularly difficult to remove—bug bombing. Learn everything that you need to know in order to conduct your own carpet odor removal.

   Cleaning a Carpet
Spilling something on the carpet can be stressful. Although you might worry that the stain will never come out, there are methods you can try to remove the spot.

   Cleaning Bamboo Flooring
Bamboo flooring is a great addition to any room. Simple cleaning will help keep it looking as new as the day it was installed.

   Cleaning Broken Glass from a Tile Floor
No matter how many times you hear it, the sound of shattering glass can cause your heart to drop a little. Flashing through your mind is the thought of valuable items lost forever or someone stepping on a piece of glass and getting seriously hurt, to name just a couple of the possibilities. Follow these step-by-step directions to quickly and easily clean up broken glass from your tile flooring.

   Cleaning Discolored Linoleum
Whether through age or through excessive changes in heat over time linoleum will become discolored and start to look particularly dirty, even when it's not. When trying to clean such discolored linoleum it can often be difficult to tell whether you have actually gotten anything done. Cleaning discolored linoleum is possible though, as long as you are willing to do a little bit of work.

   Cleaning Drywall Dust from Hardwood Floors
Cleaning drywall dust from hardwood floors can be something that daunts even the practiced DIYer. When this happens we can easily find ourselves trying to fight a losing battle for getting the fine powder out of the miniscule nooks, crannies and cracks that are common to hardwood floors. Instead of throwing your hands up in despair, try these simple ideas.

   Cleaning Gym Flooring
Keep your gym flooring shiny by cleaning it often. Sweep up the dirt and remove scuff marks, and then mop or use an auto scrubber. Let it dry completely. Following the steps in this article will help keep your flooring shiny and dirt-free.

   Cleaning Linoleum
If you have a kitchen or bathroom with linoleum flooring, you probably know all about the frustrations and woes associated with keeping linoleum clean. Here are a few tips on how to keep that linoleum clean and looking great!

   Cleaning Paint Off of Linoleum
Latex paint and linoleum are both things that can be found in homes across the country. As such, it is only common that these two things will meet in a manner that you don't exactly want them to. Cleaning paint off of linoleum, while a little time consuming, is possible.

   Cleaning Pergo Floors
Pergo flooring has become increasingly popular in today's homes over the past few years, and as such you probably have some in your home somewhere. As such, learning the proper way of cleaning Pergo floors isn't only a good idea but a necessity.

   Cleaning Tile Grout
Cleaning grout properly is an absolute necessity when it comes time to reseal your grouting. Why not save time and money by doing your own cleaning? All you need to do is learn how and which methods may work the best. Here is everything that you need to know.

   Cleaning Up Play-Doh
Play-Doh is one of the most popular children's play things in the world. After all, what child wouldn't like to sit and play with something which allows them to shape, mold, and create to their heart's desire? The only problem appears when it comes time to begin cleaning up Play-Doh.

   Cleaning Vinyl Baseboards
Baseboards are something that it seems like every home in the world has. They are those little pieces of wood or vinyl that are right next to the flooring, and go completely around the room. For most people the only time that this part of the room is cleaned is when they are trying to get the security deposit back. Here is everything that you need to know in order to have your baseboards sparkling, and make a dramatic (and yet inexpensive) improvement to your home.

   Cleaning Vinyl Floors
Protecting and mopping vinyl floors doesn't have to be difficult. It doesn't even have to be boring. If you let your detergent soak in to your floor before mopping it up, it will loosen up any problem spots before you need to mop them up. You will also have time to turn your kitchen into a fun and wet play area!

   Cleaning Your Laminate Flooring
Due to the relative low cost, and the purported ease of maintenance, laminate flooring is becoming an extremely popular choice among homeowners. However, there are times when you can find cleaning laminate flooring to be a real hassle. Here are a few sure fire methods that you can begin implementing today, which will help when cleaning laminate flooring.

   Commercial Floor Cleaning
Are you in charge of a commercial building? Remember that cleaning the floor is important to the image of your company.

   Floor Cleaning
There are various types of flooring you might have in your home. Be sure that you know how to correctly clean each one to best bring out its beauty.

   Floor Cleaning Service
Once in a while, all flooring can do with a little extra cleaning attention. Instead of neglecting it, look into hiring a floor cleaning service to do a professional job on your floors.

   Floor Squeegee
Certain types of flooring benefit from special care. Using a floor squeegee is a great way to get a beautiful, streak-free shine on your floors.

   Floor Waxing
Waxing a floor is something that any homeowner can do, and frankly something that should be done on a regular basis to ensure that you have a great looking floor. The thing is if you try floor waxing without doing it right, you can end up creating huge mess. Follow these directions to ensure that you know what you are doing.

   Hard Floor Cleaning
Hard flooring can look great in many situations. If you have a hard floor to take care of, be sure to clean it regularly.

   Home Carpet Cleaners
Carpets can get dirty enough to require some serious cleaning. Choose a cleaning method that works best for you and your carpet situation.

   Making Linoleum Floors Shine
One of the most common types of flooring the world over is that of linoleum. Since you can find it in most any home, office, school, or hospital it only makes sense that people should know how to clean the stuff. However, there is a difference between simply cleaning linoleum floors, and making linoleum floors shine.

   Professional Carpet Cleaning
Does you carpet look dull and worn? Instead of thinking about replacing it, call a carpet cleaner to get it back in good shape.

   Questions to Ask a Carpet Cleaning Company
If you have carpeting in your home, then you know exactly how hard it can be to get them clean. While you may try to keep the carpets as clean as you can, there will come times when you find yourself needing a professional's help. Be sure that you know what questions to ask a carpet cleaning company to ensure that you have the best one possible working for you.

   Removing Hard Water Stains from Linoleum
Since linoleum is made from natural ingredients, it is a porous material and can absorb watery substances, forming stains. Removing hard water stains from linoleum can prove challenging, but with perseverance and a little elbow grease, you can restore the luster to your linoleum flooring.

   Removing Newsprint Stains from Linoleum
While Grandma's advice for using newspaper to clean windows may be great, using newsprint against a linoleum floor can spell disaster. Here is a great method for removing newsprint stains from your linoleum floor.

   Removing Permanent Marker from Linoleum
Whether you have children in the home, or simply have a few permanent markers laying about, you will eventually have a stain to clean up. One of the more frustrating types of stains to deal with is permanent markers on linoleum flooring. Well, removing permanent markers from linoleum doesn't need to be particularly difficult. Here's why.


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