How to Clean a Dishwasher
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated May 22, 2023)
If you have had a dishwasher for very long, then you know just how helpful they can be. However, just because they can be helpful in cleaning other things doesn't mean that they don't need to be cleaned themselves. Here is some information that is designed to show you how to clean a dishwasher properly. It's not all that difficult, as long as you follow these simple directions.
- Check the temperature. Often times, incorrectly setting the temperature on your dishwasher can create all kinds of problems. Take a quick look at your owner's manual to double check and verify what temperature the machine should be set on for proper cleaning. Once you have done that, double check to see if your dishwasher is set to the proper temperature, and if it is not then correct that mistake before proceeding.
- Do a basic scrub down. Get a large bucket full of warm soapy water, and a soft scrubby sponge or one of those cleaning erasers. Dip the sponge or the eraser into the bucket and begin scrubbing down the dishwasher, inside and out. As necessary you need to change out the water with new stuff to ensure that you get the dishwasher as clean as possible.
- Add a little bleach. Put a single tablespoon of bleach into the detergent holder, and then run a complete cycle. This should help break down and even get rid of any mold buildup that may be in the dishwasher. In most circumstances this should be the extent of the cleaning efforts that you need to do.
- Run a cycle with some Tang. If you happen to have noticed any discoloration or scaling inside your dishwasher, you may need to do a little bit more cleaning. A fairly effective method for doing this is to add about a half container of Tang to your dishwasher. The citric acid the drink contains is perfect for removing and cleaning scale deposits.
- Run another cycle with vinegar. For dishwashers that have an odor, you can use some vinegar to treat that problem. Simply fill a coffee cup with some vinegar, and then place it onto the top rack of your dishwasher. Run a complete cycle, and you should have the odor removed completely.
- Inspect and repeat. Take a look at your dishwasher, and see if there is any problems that still remain. If there are, simply repeat steps two through five again, as needed, until you have completely removed all of the dirt, grime, or other issues that may have been in the dishwasher.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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