Cleaning Massage Oil from Sheets
Have you ever noticed just how enjoyable it is to get a massage? Well, if the answer to that question is yes, then chances are you have also noticed how often the massage will leave a messy residue on the sheets of the bed. Luckily cleaning massage oil from sheets isn't all that difficult of a task, as long as you use the proper tools and methods. All you need to do is carefully follow these instructions, and make sure that you have the right tools, to ensure that you do the best possible job.
Materials needed:
- Mild degreasing laundry detergent
- Spot pretreatment cleaner
- Washing and drying machine
- Pre-treat the stain. Before you can wash your sheets, you need to carefully inspect the sheets. Whenever you come across a massage oil stain pull out the pre-treating solution such as Spray & Wash or Shout. Be sure that you apply the pre-treatment solution on each and every stain that you can find. If you don't want to apply the pre-treatment solution, you can always pre-soak the sheets in some hot (the hotter the better) soapy water for about twenty minutes.
- Wash. Once you have pre-treated or soaked the stained sheets, you need to wash them. Make sure that you wash them using a mild degreasing type of laundry detergent. Wash the sheets for a full wash cycle, and use the hottest water setting possible for the type of sheets you are washing.
- Check. After having washed the sheets for a complete cycle, pull them out of the washing machine. With the sheets out of the washer, carefully inspect the sheets for any evidence of remaining massage oil. If you find any, make note of where those remaining stains are, before proceeding to the next step.
- Repeat as necessary. For any remaining stains that you come across, you will need to repeat steps one through three. In fact, you will want to repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have finally removed all traces of the massage oil.
- Dry as normal. Once you have finally removed all of the stains, you should dry the sheets as you normally would. Ideally you would also include some kind of fabric softening sheet in the dryer as well. This will help reduce the chance of static electricity, as well as making the sheets just a little fluffier. Once you have removed the sheets from the dryer, fold and store the sheets as you normally would.
Author Bio
Karen Bates
An English student who enjoys writing and art, Karen has had her poetry published in her university's literary journal and has several novels in the works. Learn more about Karen...
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