It happens every once in a while: a table is accidentally bumped, and whatever was on it is knocked off onto the floor. Hopefully nothing has been broken, but in some unfortunate situations, something breakable is ruined during the ordeal, leaving shards of broken glass on your floor.
Although it seems less likely that broken glass would end up on a carpeted area than on tile or wood, it is important to carefully and thoroughly clean the area if it does happen. Because carpet can easily hide a small piece of glass, a quick spot cleaning is not enough to really take care of the mess. In order to avoid cuts or injuries, you should take great care when cleaning pieces of broken glass from a carpeted area. Any glass that is left behind could cause harm later on when it is accidentally stepped on.
If pieces of broken glass end up in your carpet:
It is a good idea to vacuum the area every day for a week after you clean up, just to make sure all of the glass has been sucked up. Wear socks or shoes around the area for a while to protect your feet, just in case. If you can't seem to get all of the glass up from the carpet or are worried that the vacuum can't get it all, contact a professional cleaner or rent a carpet shampooer to do a more thorough job.
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2018-06-08 17:37:19
Beth, I just looked back at this and discovered I'd given the credit to the wrong person for a tip. Please forgive me. Shining a light on the area is a perfect idea---but I ask your pardon for my goof. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
2018-06-05 21:57:12
Petra, that idea is excellent. Shining a flashlight on the area will be very helpful! That way you'll know you won't have to worry about messing up the vacuum.
2018-06-04 07:34:03
After you've done all that, lay a flashlight on the floor several places around the circumference. Even a very tiny piece of glass will light up and you can get it.
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