Carpet and Rugs
One of the more difficult and time consuming types of flooring to clean and take care of is the carpet and rugs that we seem to like to use. The carpet that we like to use in our homes and offices tend to collect stains like a sponge soaks up water. When these stains tend to get too large, we also tend to use area rugs, and other types of rugs, to cover those stains. Set aside these old fashioned methods used to "clean" these areas of the home and office. Try some of the wonderful timesaving methods listed here.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Carpet and Rugs' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Area Rug Cleaning
Area rugs can get stained and dirty over time. Make sure you are careful when cleaning them and leave the big jobs to a professional rug cleaner. Over all though, you will find that area rug cleaning is a relatively easy task.
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning
There are some carpet stains that may seem impossible to get out, but they aren't. Find out simple ways of how to clean up blood, candle wax, and bubble gum from your carpet or couch.
Carpet Cleaning Basics
Before anyone wants to attempt advanced cleaning techniques it is always a good idea to understand the basics. To that end, here are the basics of carpet cleaning.
Carpet Cleaning Companies
It is a good idea to clean the carpets in your home at least once a year. To save yourself time and hassle, think about hiring a carpet cleaning company to do the work.
Carpet Cleaning Equipment
There's a lot to consider when deciding to clean your carpet. Hopefully, this article will make things much clearer.
Carpet Cleaning Jobs
To clean the carpets in your home, you need the right equipment and know-how. Hiring someone to clean the area for you can help you save time and effort.
Carpet Cleaning Machines
To really deep-clean a carpet, you will need to use a cleaning machine. This helpful tool will allow you to remove a lot of the dirt that vacuums won't pick up.
Carpet Cleaning Methods
There are five different methods of carpet cleaning. Choose the one that is best for your needs.
Carpet Cleaning on a Budget
Your carpet gets dirty, and sometimes your budget may just not allow for frequent carpet cleaning. If your finances are tight and you need some clean carpet, here are some tips for how to clean your carpet on a budget.
Carpet Cleaning Prices
Are you thinking about getting the carpets in your home cleaned? If so, you should find out how much you might end up paying.
Carpet Cleaning Products
You have multiple choices when it comes to carpet cleaning products. Some work well on multiple surfaces, for pet stains, or for specific types of spills.
Carpet Cleaning Rentals
Does your carpet look dull and dirty but you don't have the money to hire a carpet cleaning company? Consider renting a carpet cleaner and doing the job yourself.
Carpet Cleaning Service
Sometimes it becomes necessary, for whatever reason, to hire a professional to clean your carpets. When those times come around, randomly opening your phone book to the carpet cleaning services section you run the risk of getting your wallet cleaned out instead. Follow these simple guidelines to learn what you need to know choosing a carpet cleaning service.
Carpet Cleaning Supplies
Carpet cleaning supplies aren't as difficult to get as you might think. While it may seem a little overwhelming, all you need to do is keep in mind one thing. That is just make sure you have the right supply for the right machine for the job.
Carpet Cleaning Tips
If you want your carpet to last, you must take care of it. Clean it often to help keep it looking beautiful and to avoid dirty build-up in the fibers.
Carpet Shampooing
A dull or dirty carpet can take away from your home's beauty. Try shampooing the carpet to get it back to looking new and great again.
Cheap Carpet Cleaning
Anyone who has ever turned to a professional carpet cleaning company can tell you that it isn't exactly cheap. Cheap carpet cleaning will typically require you to break down and do it yourself. If you are looking for the cheapest, least expensive ways to clean your carpet, then here are the ways you can do it.
Chemical Carpet Cleaning
Buying a carpet can be an expensive transaction. What type of carpet? How much can I spend? These are all common questions you can ask yourself at the time of purchase. However one question that is never really thought about, until too late, is how to best keep it clean. Here is some information that can help you understand chemical carpet cleaning.
Clean and Care for Your Carpets
Instead of renting an expensive carpet-cleaning machine, try these simple and inexpensive methods to save your carpet. Corn flour, baking soda, and other common household objects to clean and deodorize your carpet. These techniques will save both time and money and can easily revive your carpet.
Cleaning an Area Rug
Anciently, kings and rulers commissioned beautiful handmade works knotted with golden and silver threads to adorn their palaces. Today, rugs are easier to find and less ornate, but their purpose is still the same. They separate space and beautify the home. To ensure that your rugs keep fulfilling that purpose, keep them clean and in good repair.
Cleaning Area Rugs
Although you might not think about it, area rugs need to be cleaned like other surfaces in your home. You can hire a professional to wash your rug so it looks clean and like new.
Cleaning Broken Glass Out of Carpet
Broken glass on any surface can be a hazard, but carpet can hide shards especially well. Do a very careful job of cleaning and vacuuming to ensure no pieces are left to be stepped on later.
Cleaning Carpet Stains
One of the problems with carpets is that over time they seem to gather a large collection of mystery stains. It can be a little frustrating to try getting these stains out of the carpet, particularly when you don't know what they are. Here is everything you need to know about why these mystery stains seem to crop up and what you need to do to go about cleaning them.
Cleaning Drywall Dust from Carpet
If you've ever attempted it before, you know that drywall dust is hard enough to get off a bare floor, let alone a carpet. There are, however, some options when cleaning it off of your carpet—they just take lots of work.
Cleaning Rugs
Floors make up a huge percentage of what you see in a home. Making sure your rugs are clean is a very important part of making your house or apartment look nice. Follow these few tips to get your rugs looking good.
Cleaning Soot from Carpeting
Greasy soot stains can be easily smeared and should be cleaned by first removing as much of the soot as possible. This can be done be pouring baking soda or salt generously over the entire area and letting the grease be absorbed, a dry cleaning agent will get out the discoloration. You can also use steam to remove a soot stain from carpet.
Cleaning Throw Rugs
You can clean your washable throw rugs at home by vacuuming, shaking, and then throwing them into your clothes washer. Rugs that are too large to wash, or those that cannot be washed due to shrinkage, can be taken to a professional rug cleaner. Whatever method you use to clean your throw rugs, you should clean them often since they collect dirt and debris regularly.
Commercial Carpet Cleaning
Do you have dirty carpets but don't have the time or energy to clean them on your own? Consider finding a commercial cleaner to shampoo the carpets for you.
Dealing With Paint Stained Carpet
One of the problems with painting a room is that it is entirely too easy to get paint where you don't want it, such as on carpeting. Dealing with paint stained carpeting can be a little bit frustrating, but there are some methods that you can use. Luckily, these methods usually don't require a professional to do them.
Easy Carpet Cleaning
The carpets used today can be made from a variety of different materials. These materials can range from wool to nylon. As such it can be a little confusing to get your carpets clean if you don't know what to do. Here are some great ideas that you can use for some easy carpet cleaning.
Freshen Your Carpet with Ammonia
To give your carpet a quick lift, apply a solution of water and ammonia. Make sure to let the ammonia dry completely before having people over or letting your pets near your carpets, since the ammonia has an interesting smell.
Getting Broken Glass Out of Your Carpet
Broken glass isn't difficult to clean up, but you will want to be thorough and careful as you remove the pieces from your carpet. Clean up will only take a few minutes and all you need are a few safety items, a vacuum and some duct tape.
Getting Soot Stains Out of Rugs and Carpets
It is all to easy to leave a soot stain on carpet if you have a wood burning stove, fireplace or if you use candles in your home. Though these stains look difficult to remove, quick action on your part and a dollop of dish soap may solve your problem.
Green Carpet Cleaning
Green carpet cleaning is a way to clean your carpets without exposing yourself to harsh chemicals. There are also some methods for you to touch up your carpets yourself, using regular household products.
How to Clean Carpets
Sometimes it's easy to forget that your carpet needs regular maintenance. Learn how to keep it looking beautiful and clean.
How to Clean Rugs
Having rugs in your home can create a decorated look that may also be functional. Remember to maintain these rugs to keep them in great shape.
How to Remove Gum from Carpet
Chewing gum can be a huge pain when it gets smashed into your beautiful carpet. You may worry that it will never come out, but actually there are many different options when it comes to removing this sticky substance.
How to Remove Silly Putty from Carpet
Because of its adhesive and gooey nature, Silly Putty can be difficult to remove from carpeting. Use an oil-based product to dissolve and break down the putty's characteristics to remove the putty with ease.
Organic Carpet Cleaning
Everyone wants clean carpet, but does everyone want the chemicals from carpet cleaning? Organic carpet cleaning can help get you clean carpet without the harsh chemicals.
Remove Carpet Indentations
Whether you are moving or simply moving furniture, invariably you'll find indentations left in the carpet from the furniture. While technically these don't make your carpet dirty, they do not look attractive at all. If you would like to make your home or office look just a little more tidy when you rearrange the furniture, then look no further—here's how.
Removing Adhesive Tape Residue from Carpet
Things like duct tape can often be a huge help, though they can come with a slight drawback—they typically leave behind a residue that can be difficult to remove, particularly from carpeting. Luckily, removing adhesive tape residue from carpet doesn't need to be as difficult as we usually make it out to be.
Removing Carpet Impressions
Furniture flattens the carpet and carpet padding beneath it, leaving behind ugly impressions. To remove these impressions, place an ice cube in each one and let it melt. After the ice has melted, fluff up the carpet with a brush, your fingers, or some other tool.
Removing Christmas Tree Stains from Carpeting
When you take down your Christmas tree to discover tree stains on your carpeting, the unwelcome finding can add to your after-holiday blues. Don't despair! Removing Christmas tree stains from carpeting isn't as difficult as you might imagine.
Removing Coffee Stains from Carpeting
It could be said that coffee is one of the world's most beloved drinks. After all, it can be found in the vast majority of every home, business, and restaurant in the world. As such, it only makes sense that where you have coffee, you have coffee stains. Here is a little information about removing coffee stains from carpeting that is sure to help out even the most die hard coffee junkie.
Removing Dog Smell from Carpets
Dog odors stick in carpets more than anything else in the home. If the smell is from accidents an enzyme spray applied directly to the area and left tot dry will neutralize the odor. General dog smells in the carpet can be absorb by powdered pet odor neutralizers, or even baking soda, poured onto the affected part of the floor and then vacuumed up.
Removing Marshmallows from Carpeting
Anyone who has ever had a toddler running around their home has more than likely experienced the joys of removing marshmallows from carpeting. If you haven't yet then just wait because you soon will. Here are a few simple methods that will help you in cleaning up this common mess.
Removing Nasty Carpet Smells
Whether that smell came from one of the kids, or that wild party you had last week, the smell has to go, but how? Here are the best ways to remove nasty smells, while cleaning your carpet at the same time.
Removing Pine Needles from Carpeting
If you love pine trees and trimmings during the holiday, consider investing in a commercial grade vacuum to rid your carpet of pine needles. Either that, or try some of these simple remedies for removing pine needles from your carpeting.
Removing Roofing Tar from Carpet
Because tar is not an "everyday" stain for most people there are not as many "everyday" solutions for removing it from your carpet. You want to cut through the stain with a degreaser and dab, not smear, to lift the stain out. If milder methods do not work, a little gas on a rag will dissolve the tar and pull it out of the carpet fibers. Remember to start with a more mild solution and work you way up.
Removing Soda Pop Stains from Carpet
One of the most popular drinks around is soda pop, and as such it is also one of the most common types of staining agents. Removing soda pop stains from carpet can be a little tricky if you have never done it before. Find the tricks to removing soda pop stains here.
Removing Soot Stains from Carpet
Soot can leave an unsightly dark stain on your carpet. Although the situation might look bad, there are ways to get the stain out in most cases. Just remember that removing soot stains from carpet can really be an exceptionally easy task. Here's how.
Removing the Sour Smell from Wet Carpet
Do you find that your carpets smell sour when wet? Do they smell sour even when they aren't wet? Do you go away on vacation, only to return home a week or so later and when you open the door, that sour smell hits you in the face like a ton of bricks? Don't despair! There are ways to deal with that smell!
Removing Tinsel from Carpeting
If you love the glitter of tinsel during the holidays, but dread the cleanup afterwards, there are a few simple things that you can do to collect it from the carpet. Using materials you most likely already have handy, follow these tips for getting tinsel out of your carpeting.
Removing Watermelon Stains from Carpet
While watermelon may be mostly water, they can leave pretty nasty stains. Here are some ways you can go about removing watermelon stains from your carpet.
Steam Cleaning Your Carpets
The process of cleaning your carpets is quite simple and works best when you remember to vacuum to remove dirt and other particles. When filling the water tank use the hottest water you can get and always put it in before your cleaner. The slower the machine is moved the more water it will suck out of your carpet shortening the time it takes to dry. After the carpet is completely dry vacuum up any leftover debris.
Using a Do-It-Yourself Carpet Cleaner
Using a carpet cleaner can save a lot of money, but it does require a little bit of strategy. Thankfully, if you are armed with a few helpful ideas your do-it-yourself approach will be a good experience.
Using Carpet Cleaning Equipment
Paying someone to professionally clean your carpet can be expensive. Rent or buy carpet cleaning equipment that you can use to clean the carpets yourself.
Vomit Stains
Vomit stains can be particularly difficult to remove from your home. It seems like these types of stains are particularly stubborn and, if you can get the stain out, you are still left with the smell. On the flip side, if you are able to get the smell out, you might not be able to get the discoloration out. Well, worry no more! Here's how you can get rid of both parts of the vomit stains that you may encounter in your home.
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