If you are tired of the way that your house smells, or simply would like to change things up a bit, you really can't go wrong with an air freshener. While you can always pay some good money ($10.00 will get you a good middle of the road air freshener) you can always make your own. A homemade air freshener will work just as well as any that you purchased from the store, with only one subtle difference. That difference is that you will be able to make the air freshener have any scent that you want. Here are a few different methods that you can use to make your own homemade air freshener.
- Simple spritzer. You can make a very simple spritzing type of air freshener using only three ingredients, and one item. Those ingredients and item needed are water, one tablespoon of baking soda, three drops of your favorite essential oil, and an empty spray bottle. Fill the spray bottle up half way, and then add the ingredients. Put the lid on the bottle, and then shake it up so that all the ingredients get mixed together. Once all the items are mixed together, finish filling up the spray bottle with water. You now have a very simple spritzing air freshener that will work wonders on your home.
- Scented salts. A very simple, yet effective, air freshener uses only flower petals, salt, and a sealable jar. All you need to do is lay down a layer of your favorite flower petals (such as rose or lavender) making sure that you don't leave any open spaces. On top of this layer of petals you will pour a thin layer of salt. Make this layer as thin as possible, but don't let part of the petals show. Repeat this alternating pattern until the jar has been filled, and then place the lid on the jar. When you want to smell the flowers, simply open the lid and let the odor permeate the room.
- Scented light bulbs. Believe it or not, light bulbs can make a fantastic air freshener. However, great care must be taken when using this particular method. Do not have the light bulb on when you are preparing it; otherwise you can end up having an explosive reaction. When the light bulb is completely cool, put some of your favorite essential oils onto the bulb and let it dry. When the bulb is completely dry, simply turn it on and allow the heat to do its work. Ad the bulb heats up it will "cook" the essential oil on its surface, and then allow that scent to waft throughout the entire room.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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