Cleaning Your Bathroom Cabinets

Written by Karen Bates (last updated January 15, 2024)

Although many people dislike cleaning the bathroom, it is a necessary chore. Scrubbing the toilet and cleaning the counters and mirrors in the bathroom all help to make the room look neat and organized. There is, however, part of your bathroom that might get overlooked—the cabinets. Since everything inside of the cabinet is behind closed doors, it's easy to forget about cleaning this area.

The bathroom cabinets don't need to be ignored, though. It can be important to clean them regularly, and it doesn't have to be a huge task. Simply cleaning them once in a while and going through the items inside and organizing them will help things look nicer and allow you more room inside your cabinets to store things. To clean your bathroom cabinets, follow these steps:

  1. Remove everything. To begin with, clear everything from the cabinet. Look at what you have and decide which things you need to keep and which you should throw away. Get rid of any trash, expired or old products, and things you never use. Set aside everything you want to keep. You'll come back to these items later and organize them.
  2. Wipe away loose dirt. Next, take a damp cloth or paper towel and wipe out the shelves and doors to get any loose dirt.
  3. Choose the right cleaner. Choose a cleaner to use on the cabinet, such as an all-purpose cleaner. Spray on the shelves and the back of the cabinet. Using a cloth or paper towel, wipe the cleaner over the surfaces in the cabinet.
  4. Sticky spills. If there are any sticky spills that won't simply wipe away, cover the spot with a wet cloth and let it sit for several minutes. When you remove it, wipe at the spill and it should come off easily. Wipe the cabinet dry.
  5. Don't forget the doors. Clean the cabinet doors with cleaner and wipe them off with a cloth.
  6. Organize. Now that the cabinet is clean, it is time to organize the items that you will replace on the shelves. Put similar items together so that it will be easier to find them later. You might want to buy some containers to help with the organization.

Cleaning the bathroom cabinets can be an easy and quick task, and it makes you bathroom a better-organized place. Clean the cabinets thoroughly every few months to prevent dirt and dust build-up and to give you a chance to throw away old items that you no longer use.

Author Bio

Karen Bates

An English student who enjoys writing and art, Karen has had her poetry published in her university's literary journal and has several novels in the works. ...


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