Have you ever noticed that when a person starts talking about the bathroom, a whole new vocabulary enters the picture? Bathroom sinks and countertops magically become bathroom vanities. Whatever you call them though, your bathroom fixtures are not going to clean themselves. Take a gander here to learn the best way to clean everything from your bathroom cabinets to the bathroom tile. When you look inside, I guarantee that no one is going to bother you about what you call the different things in your bathroom.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Bathroom' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Bathroom Cleaners
Is there really anything more disgusting than a dirty bathroom? Help keep your bathroom sparkling clean by choosing the best possible bathroom cleaners. Here is everything you need to know to cut through all the manufacturer hype and help you choose exactly the cleaners you need.
Bathtub Cleaning
Whets the point of taking a bath if you're going to get dirtier in your tub than out of it? Cleaning your bathtub is important and it's important to do it right.
Cleaning a Bathroom Sink
Because of its proximity and convenient water source, a bathroom sink most times becomes a receptacle for the leftover products that we use when we groom our bodies. If you've more than one bathroom sink in your home, think of all of the bacteria that can grow and thrive there if you do not clean your bathroom sinks regularly.
Cleaning a Toilet Bowl
Any volunteers for cleaning the family toilette bowl? Besides bodily waste stains, mineral deposits in hard water that cause calcium build-up in toilet bowls, the overall neatness and hygiene of that room adds to the relaxation of its occupant. Here are a few methods that should make cleaning a toilet bowl a little easier.
Cleaning Bathroom Glass
It can be very surprising to realize just how much of the bathroom seems to be made up of glass. After all, it often seems like you can't turn around without seeing something that has glass on it. Because of the amount in the bathroom, it can be a real pain when it comes to cleaning bathroom glass. That is until now.
Cleaning Bathroom Light Fixtures
Although it can be easy to forget about cleaning the light fixtures in your bathroom, keeping them clean can make a big difference. Dust and wipe them off regularly, and do a deep-cleaning once in a while as needed.
Cleaning Bathroom Tiles
Use natural household products to clean your bathroom tiles in this easy method. You'll also learn a few tips to keep your tile cleaner longer.
Cleaning Bathroom Vanities
Try these tips to clean your bathroom vanity once a week. All you'll need is some vinegar, rubbing alcohol, a spray bottle, a sponge, scouring pad, and paper towels.
Cleaning Bathrooms
No one really likes to clean bathrooms, but everyone has to do it. Instead of spending all day getting the task done, why not learn what needs to be cleaned the most, and focus on that? Here is the basics of cleaning bathrooms.
Cleaning Black Mold
Are you having problems with black mold in your bathroom? With the right supplies, you can make your shower sparkle.
Cleaning Clear Glass Shower Doors
Nothing really affects the general look of a bathroom as much as the shower doors. No matter how well you clean the rest of the bathroom, unless you have those clear glass shower doors sparkling, the bathroom is going to feel somewhat dirty. Cleaning clear glass shower doors is something that anyone can do, as long as you know how.
Cleaning Light Fixtures in a Bathroom
Chances are you haven't cleaned your bathroom fixtures in quite a while. It's just one of those jobs we don't think about much, but if you've decided that you can't ignore them any longer, read through these tips before you get started.
Cleaning Opaque Glass Shower Doors
Getting soap scum and mineral deposits off of opaque glass doors may take a little elbow grease but can be made easier by using some baking soda and a wet sponge. After the doors are clean preventing further deposits can be as easy as using a squeegee to clean doors and walls after every shower.
Cleaning Shower Glass
Cleaning shower glass can be one of the most frustrating experiences a homeowner can experience when cleaning their home. Often stains, spots, and other kinds of offensive problems can seem to crop out of nowhere with no warning. Here are a few options that you can use to get your shower glass clean.
Cleaning Spilled Hair Products
When you have unruly or messy hair, then hair products are exactly what you need to help get everything under control again. But there are times when these things can create more of a problem then they may be worth; such as when they get spilled. Cleaning spilled hair products is actually pretty easy, if you know what to do.
Cleaning the Bathroom
Most people don't enjoy the task of cleaning the bathroom. Don't put if off, or the job will only take you longer to complete. Give each area of the bathroom the proper care to clean and prevent a dirty bathroom.
Cleaning Tile and Grout
Tile and grout in your bathroom or kitchen can get dirty pretty easily, and if you want to make sure that your tiled areas look as great as possible, you need to make sure that you keep your tile and grout clean. If you're not sure how to do that, then here are some ways to get you started.
Cleaning Your Bathroom Cabinets
Don't overlook your bathroom cabinets—they can easily be cleaned and organized instead of forgotten. Wipe dirt away with an all-purpose cleaner and organize the items inside your cabinet.
Cleaning Your Bathroom Vanity and Cabinets
Bathroom cabinets are easy to clean. All you need is some time, a few cleaning supplies and a little bit of organization know-how and you'll be happy with the results.
Cleaning Your Cabinets
Are the cabinets in your kitchen or your bathroom looking a little dirtier than usual? Read more for tips on how to keep your cabinets clean.
Cleaning Your Toothbrush
Learn seven popular methods for cleaning and disinfecting your toothbrush. Read on for some simple tips for maintaining a clean toothbrush for good oral health.
Dealing with Porcelain Water Rings
Porcelain, while beautiful, often is a little difficult to keep clean. Many times porcelain sinks have a habit of collecting water rings, and they can be a major task to get rid of. Well, dealing with porcelain water rings doesn't need to be particularly difficult any more. Here's why.
Dealing with Rust Stains on Bathroom Faucets
How do you remove the rust stains from your household fixtures? How do you prevent them from returning? These are fairly easy jobs to accomplish if you know what to do. Here are the simple answers to these questions.
Difficult Hard Water Stains
If you live in an area that happens to have particularly hard water, then you know just how annoying difficult hard water stains can be. However, just because they are annoying or difficult doesn't mean that hard water stains are impossible to remove.
How to Clean Your Toilet
Oh yay! Our favorite household item to clean! The bad news is there's more to clean than you think. The good news is if you clean the toilet right, the easier it will be to clean later.
Keeping Bathrooms Clean and Organized
There are perhaps three rooms that see more traffic than any other in most homes. Those three rooms are (in no particular order) the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Each of these rooms present their own unique challenges when cleaning, but perhaps no room presents as unique of a challenge as the bathroom. Keeping a bathroom clean and organized can be a bit of a headache if you don't have a plan ahead of time.
Moldy Shower Curtains
Shower curtains need to be cleaned periodically just like a shower door does. If this is not done, you can easily find yourself faced with some moldy shower curtains that are not only disgusting to look at, but also fairly unhealthy as well. Dealing with moldy shower curtains doesn't require that you simply throw them away, though that is an option. Instead try one of these methods before resorting to the more expensive option.
Quick Toilet Cleaning Strategies
Although it is not a pleasant chore, cleaning the toilet can be made quick and easy with a few tips. Scrub with a toilet brush each day to prevent build-up, and use natural cleaners you have in your home to help save money.
Removing Calcium Buildup from Granite Shower Floors
If the granite flooring in your shower has started to look cloudy from calcium build-up, it is possible to clean it. Follow these tips to help you through the process.
Removing Calcium Stains
When you have hard water, calcium and magnesium can build up and create stains on your sinks, tiles, and other fixtures. While commercial cleaners can remove these stains easily, try lemon juice or vinegar and baking soda for a natural method. If you clean your fixtures weekly, you can stop hard water stains from sinking into the surface of your tiles and becoming permanent.
Removing Copper Stains
If you have some copper stains left by pipe water on the floor of your shower, or at the bottom of your sink, never fear. While it may seem a little difficult at first to get rid of this pernicious stain, it is possible. All you need to do is follow this method, and you will find that removing copper stains isn't as hard as it used to be.
Removing Grout Stains
Mold and mildew tend to build up between bathroom tiles. To remove these growths, you'll need to scrub first with water, then with a commercial grout cleaner, and then with a bleach-based cleanser. To avoid fumes, you can also scrub grout with a toothbrush and a vinegar solution, but it will take longer.
Removing Hair Color Stains from Bathroom Linoleum
Have you ever noticed just how well hair coloring works? Anything that it comes into contact with will definitely have a new outlook on life, including the linoleum in your bathroom. Luckily, removing hair color stains from bathroom linoleum doesn't have to be an expensive (or particularly difficult) task. All you really need to do is follow these simple instructions.
Removing Hard Water Stains
Hard water stains build up over time and can become increasingly difficult to wash away. Chlorine bleach and many commercial cleaners are effective, but for a more natural method, use a paste of vinegar and baking soda or lemon juice and baking soda. Vinegar works wonders to both remove and prevent hard water stains.
Removing Lime Scale from Stainless Steel
Even at the best of times, lime scale can be somewhat difficult to remove. When dealing with stainless steel, it often seems harder. Often, the reason for this is that you have to be careful when removing lime scale from stainless steel, since you can accidentally create more of a problem than you intended. Here are a few methods that you can use get the job done.
Removing Mold Stains
To remove mold from surfaces, wash the surfaces using a bleach solution. For deep mold stains or stains in wood or cement, use a fungicide. For mold in fabrics, beat or brush as much of the mold out as possible, then wash the fabrics in the washing machine with bleach. Be sure to dry out any moldy areas by keeping your house well ventilated and full of sunlight.
Removing Powder from Grout
Tile is perhaps one of the most commonly used surfaces in both the bathroom and kitchen today. Since it is so common, it only makes sense that over time that all kinds of powders will get caught up in the grouting. Removing powder from grout is possible, though you will need to work at it.
Removing Rubber Stains from Bathroom Floors
If you have a bathmat in your bathroom then chances are you know how easily it can leave a stain behind. Unfortunately, removing rubber stains from bathroom floors can be a little difficult if you don't know the proper methods to use.
Removing Shower Stains
Sometimes the cause of shower stains doesn't lie in the soap, dirt, or grime that seems to often build up in showers. Rather, the problem can actually lie in the water itself. Whatever the cause, removing shower stains is a task that we are all going to be faced with at some point in life. Here's how you can do it quickly and easily.
Removing Stubborn Bathroom Stains
No matter how hard we try to prevent it, bathrooms have a habit of collecting stubborn stains. Removing stubborn bathroom stains can be a long and difficult process, but it doesn't necessarily need to be. There are a few tricks that you can use to get rid of many of the more stubborn stains. However, just because there are tricks doesn't mean that you won't still have to produce some elbow grease.
Shower Cleaners
You use your shower everyday, sometimes every other day, sometimes multiple times a day, either way that means your shower can build up a lot of gunk really fast. Cleaning your shower is a pretty basic process but learn how to do it more efficiently to get the best results from your work.
Simple Toilet Cleaners
Are you one of the many people who just hates cleaning the toilet? There are many toilet cleaners available that can help make the job easier.
Toilet Brushes
Keeping the toilet clean isn't a fun job, but it is one that must be done regularly. Use a good toilet brush to make this task easier.
Unclogging Drains
Having a clogged drain can be a pretty annoying problem. All that dirty water just makes you sick to think about it. Luckily, unclogging drains doesn't need to be an expensive or difficult task. Follow these guidelines to get your drains unclogged now.
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