Cleaning Cobwebs from Ceilings
There are a lot of people in the world who think that spiders are icky and creepy. Frankly, this isn't all that surprising since arachnophobia is one of the more common phobia's around. Unfortunately, just because you are afraid of spiders doesn't mean that you don't need to clean up the mess that they can leave behind. Whether you hate spiders, or simply hate the mess that they can leave behind, follow these instructions to begin cleaning cobwebs from ceilings.
- Any live ones? Whenever you begin cleaning cobwebs, you need to do a quick inspection first. This inspection is to see whether or not you will be faced with any live spiders. After all, you don't want to be cleaning and accidentally get bit by one do you? If you find any, then you will have to deal with it (either trap it and release outside, or kill it—your choice). If you don't get rid of the spider, you may not only get bit but you can also find yourself needing to repeat the whole cleaning process again within a week or two.
- Gather your materials. Typically to clean cobwebs from a ceiling, you will need only a few items. These items are a vacuum cleaner, duster, chair, and maybe some paper towels. If you are cleaning an area of cobwebs that are particularly dusty and dirty, you may also want to grab a bucket of warm soapy water and a sponge as well.
- Vacuum the area. Begin by vacuuming the area of your ceiling that has cobwebs. This should remove most, if not all, of the cobwebs as well as the dust and dirt that may have been stuck to the webbing. While you can use just about any attachment that you want, it may be easier to use the soft bristled furniture attachment to get the job done.
- Inspect. After working over the area with a vacuum cleaner take the time to do a close inspection. This will let you see if you have missed any cobwebs, or if there is any dirt that you may have missed.
- Brush the remains away. Using either a duster or a few paper towels, begin wiping away at the remains that you found in step four. If necessary, you may want to also try scrubbing away at the mess with a bucket of warm soapy water and a sponge.
- Inspect and repeat. Once you have wiped down the area that had the cobwebs, inspect it again. Repeat steps three through five again as often as necessary until everything is clean. Repeat the same steps throughout the rest of the room, or rooms of your home, until you have finally finished cleaning cobwebs from ceilings.
Author Bio
Doris Donnerman
Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. Learn more about Doris...
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