While a hot tub can be a wonderful thing to have, it can also be a huge drain on your finances hiring someone to clean it for you. Instead of wasting your hard-earned money paying someone else to clean your hot tub, you can do it yourself. It's an easy and relatively quick chore, if you know what is needed. Follow these simple steps and you will soon have a crystal clear hot tub ready and waiting for you to relax in.
- Check chemical levels. In order to properly test the chemical levels in your hot tub, you need to purchase a chemical testing kit from your local pool, grocery, or department store. Simply follow the directions on the back of the test kit and you will know whether your hot tub has the proper amount and mixture of chemicals in the water.
- Diagnose water scum. If the water in your hot tub is dirty or scummy then, in addition to the water test above, you need to take a sample of the water to your local pool store. This is so that a professional can take a look at the chemical composition of the water scum and prescribe the proper treatment.
- Purchase proper chemicals. Once you know what the prescription for your hot tub is, simply purchase the proper chemicals necessary to treat it.
- Apply chemicals. Follow the directions that come with the chemicals and add them to the water. After allowing the chemicals to work for the proper amount of time indicated by the manufacturer's directions, test the water again, as described in the first step.
- Clean filter. Once the water is clean you need to make sure that the filters are clean. Since the purpose of a filter is to clean the water of all the different contaminants that can crop up, they do tend to get a little grungy from time to time. Before changing or cleaning the filter, make sure that you turn off all pumps and filters to keep yourself from getting hurt. If it is necessary to change or clean your filter, follow the directions on the back of the replacement part.
- Clean exterior. Your last step to a clean hot tub is to clean the exterior. Since most hot tubs have a wood exterior, you should seal and wax the wood periodically. Remove any mildew, dirt, or stains that appear and reseal the wood as you would with your deck.
Finally, now that you have completed the task of cleaning your hot tub, there is only one thing left to do: Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing heat and pressure from the jets.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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