Vent Cleaners

Written by Karen Bates (last updated July 2, 2018)


Many people love coming home to a clean environment. After all, your home can be a refuge and place of relaxation after a long day. Being in an atmosphere that is free from dirt and clutter can help improve your mood and allow you to wind down more easily.

Of course, there are areas of the house that you might not see that can get dirty. Although you think your house is spotless, odds are good that you're missing something: the air vents.

The air vents in your home are part of the ducts, which are connected to the heating and cooling systems that keep temperatures comfortable. Although many systems use filters to help reduce the amount of dirt and particles that enter the ducts, debris buildup can still occur on the duct surfaces. This buildup can become a problem over time as it allows various particles and allergens to enter your home through the vents. This can be especially bad if people in your home already suffer from allergies or asthma problems.

Although it may seem like a pain, these ducts will need to be cleaned once in a while to help keep them clean and free of dirty buildup. To do this, you will probably need to hire a professional duct cleaner to do the job.

Professional cleaning technicians have the right equipment and knowledge to remove unwanted buildup from your ducts, leaving them clean and dirt-free. To achieve this, a technician will open up the vents and use a machine to vacuum out the dirt and debris from the ducts. The technician may also use agitators to loosen buildup or chemical cleaners to help remove particles.

Once the ducts are clean, the air quality in your home should improve. Having the buildup removed will help your heating and cooling systems to work more effectively and may help health problems get better by reducing allergens in the air.

To decide if you need to call a cleaning company, take a look inside the vents in your home to evaluate buildup in the ducts. If you see a lot of dirt and dust, it may be time to call a cleaner. Also, if you notice that people in your household seem to be suffering from more allergies than normal, consider having the air ducts cleaned. There may be an indoor air pollution issue that duct cleaning can help fix.

Author Bio

Karen Bates

An English student who enjoys writing and art, Karen has had her poetry published in her university's literary journal and has several novels in the works. ...


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2018-07-02 10:16:49

Ruth Copeland

Why is my home so dusty??? I have all hardwood floors. I can dust one day and 2 days later I need to dust again. I have no pets, change my filter once a month , but nothing helps! Can you help????
I live in Tx.

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