Cleaning Bird Poop from Your Car
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated February 19, 2018)
It never really seems to fail. The minute that you get your car cleaned, some bird comes along and makes a mess that you will have to clean up eventually. While it may be tempting to just leave the mess until the next time you visit the car wash, you really don't want to do that. In the event that you do, you may find your paint getting eaten away. Luckily cleaning bird poop from your car is a simple matter of following some directions.
- Create a cleaning solution. Since you will be working outside, you may want to consider using a "green" cleaning solution. While you can always purchase some commercially made ones, it doesn't hurt to make your own. For example, you can make a great cleaning solution by mixing citrus oils, witch hazel, or something similar with water. Usually a mix of about three parts water to one of the ingredient will do.
- Hose it down. Once you have your cleaning solution ready to go, you need to get the car ready. The easiest way to do this is to simply hose down the car with a garden hose. While you can soak the entire car, you only need to focus on the area that has the mess. The water will help loosen up the mess, and allow it to be washed away.
- Apply the solution. Put some of your cleaning solution onto a soft clean cloth, and then rub it onto the area with the bird mess. This will help ensure that the actual area that needs the soap will get it, while also ensuring that you are also able to remove some of the remaining excess mess.
- Clean and inspect. Apply a little more water directly to the area that has the worst of the bird droppings, and then begin washing your car. While it may not strictly be necessary, it is definitely easier to wash the entire car to ensure you do a good job. When you finish washing the vehicle, allow it to dry so that you can inspect the work you have done. If you find that you still have some remaining residue you will want to proceed to the next step.
- Directly apply. In the event that you were not able to remove all of the bird droppings, you want to apply a bit of the cleaning solution directly to the remaining mess. This will help break up the remaining mess, and make for an easier time of cleaning. Be careful when you do this though so that you don't use a cleaner that is too caustic or harsh which can end up damaging the paint job,
- Clean again. After you have applied the cleaner, go ahead and clean the car again. Simply wash the car as you normally do, just be careful that you don't scratch the paint job on your car.
When you are finished washing your car, make sure that you once again look over the vehicle to ensure it is as clean as you want it. If it isn't you may want to repeat steps two through six as often as necessary until you are satisfied with the way everything looks.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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