The garage can very quickly become one of the most disgusting rooms in a home. Simply put, this is due to garage storage, where we believe that our garages are basically nothing more than an oversized storage unit. However, there are different ways to help clean this constantly growing mess. The liberal use of garage sales and garage cabinets are the two that I would recommend using first. If these don't appeal to you, but you would like to see your garage floor once again (or if you simply have some other garage related issue) then take a look at our ever increasing library of garage related tips and tricks.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Garage' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Automobile Storage Solutions
Are you planning a holiday and panicking about whether you have enough space in the car for everything that the family will want to take with? Are you looking for storage solutions? Taking the kids too? What about their toys and CD's? If so, then you should use the available space wisely!
Cleaning a Sleeping Bag
Washing a sleeping bag can be tedious and time-consuming. The key to keeping your sleeping bag useful and in great condition is to wash it thoroughly, and allow it to dry completely.
Cleaning Garage Doors
Your garage door is the largest door in your home, and is constantly exposed to all kinds of weather. Set up a regular annual cleaning schedule for your garage door and, while you're at it, take the time to lubricate the moving parts and test for safety. Don't forget to check the trolley release cord to make sure it's operational in times where you need to manually open your automatic garage door.
Cleaning Garage Tools
Often the tools that we keep in our garage are in more need of a deep cleaning than the garage itself. In situations like this, cleaning garage tools is a rather simple task. The only question though is how to go about it. The answer to this question lies here.
Cleaning Garbage Cans
Garbage in general is pretty disgusting, and the filth from your garbage will undoubtedly affect your garbage can. You should be aware that you need to clean your garbage cans periodically, and here's the best way to do that cleaning.
Cleaning Your Driveway
While you can use dangerous chemicals to clean your driveway, first try simple household chemicals, one at a time. You might find something that works just as well as a costly product. Always wear protective gear when using chemicals, and while cleaning your driveway, make sure that pets and children are not nearby.
Cleaning Your Garage
Many garages are a mess because they accumulate stacks of things that just aren't used often. To clear up space, organize your garage and throw out anything you haven't recently used.
Cleaning Your Garage Floor
Although cleaning the garage is often neglected, sweeping and washing the floor once in a while can make a huge difference. Clean oil spots with some easy ideas and your whole garage will look better.
Clear Out the Garage
A garage can be more than a giant storage shed. If you clean out your garage regularly and get rid of old items, you'll have more room for other crafts. If you organize your garage, you may even have room to protect your car.
Garage Storage Shelving
It is never too early or too late to Spring-clean your garage. If you never installed shelves, peg board storage, hung kids toys and cleared floor space, installing garage shelves, fastening peg board for storage, now is the time to do so.
Getting Your Garage Door Clean
Why don't we usually think to clean the garage door? Could it be that whenever we're at home, the door is up and out of sight? If you know that it is time to get rid of the dirt and grime collecting on your garage door, then here are some tips on how to proceed in the cleaning process.
Keeping Driveways Maintained
A driveway is more than something to make your home look pretty. Since your driveway is also an investment, this means that it to be protected, cared for, and taken care of if you are going to get the most out of it, if only to be able provide the best possible impression. While keeping Maintaining driveways can be a tiring task, it is one that every home owner can, and should, do.
Lifting Stains from Your Garage Floor
Your garage is the part of your house that you think the least about, but also takes the most abuse. If the grease stains on your concrete have gotten so bad that they are grabbing your attention, it may be time to do something about them.
Prevent Garbage Can Odor
Garbage smells bad because of molds and bacteria that build up on food and other items in dark, damp places. If you clean out your garbage regularly, it should reduce the smell. Use a high-powered hose to eliminate food and gunk from your garbage can, and sprinkle borax in the bottom of your can to kill the vermin that make the stench.
Preventing Common Garage Stains
Prevention really is worth a pound of cure. Prevent stains by making sure that you have a place for everything in your garage. Place paint cans onto shelving instead of the floor. House hardware such as nails and screws in bins so that they won't leave behind rust stains if they're scattered on the floor. Repair engine leaks in your car, lawnmower, snow blower, motorcycle, and garden tiller. Seal your garage floor once it's completely clean, using a quality product.
Quick Garage Cleaning
The key to quick garage cleaning is, once you've thoroughly cleaned it, try to keep it that way for four weeks at a time. Besides the satisfaction of knowing that your garage is clean, you know that you don't have to clean it again for another four weeks. And if you train your family members to help the process in between quick cleanings, it may only take thirty minutes the next time.
Removing Oil Stains from Concrete
Oil stains in concrete are difficult to remove since they have to be absorbed out. Start by laying down kitty litter or sawdust and letting it sit for a few days. Move on to dry concrete after that. If that does not work, use a heavy-duty oven cleaner. All of these methods will need to sit for a few days, so make sure to cover everything with a weighed-down tarp while the solution sets.
Safely Using Muriatic Acid to Clean Your Driveway
If you have a seriously stained driveway, there is one surefire method that you can use to ensure you get it clean. The trick lies in safely using muriatic acid.
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