Some of the most difficult things to clean in a home are the heavy curtains bedspreads. These items get dirty, just like everything else, but the problem with them is that getting them too wet can damage them or leave them limp and lifeless. This means that you should not put them in the wash or soak them in the tub. At the same time, using a spray to clean off the outside is usually not enough to clean the item as thoroughly as your would like. It often will also leave it smelling a little damp and musty, two things that you do not want anything in your house to smell like.
If you find yourself facing this difficult problem, try to use this helpful little trick. All you need to do is place those heavy curtains and bedspreads into your dryer. Turn the dryer onto the delicate setting and let it go through its cycle. When the cycle is done, your item will come out puffed up and fresh. Make sure to put only one item in at a time, because with more things in your dryer, the items may get tangled up and they probably will not come out as fresh unless you have a really large dryer.
To make your curtains and bedspreads even fresher, try adding a damp towel in to the load. The combination will help freshen everything up. Another thing you can try adding along with all this is a fabric softener sheet. The sheet will make your items smell great and it will also reduce the amount of static. Since static attracts dust to your fabric and furniture, using a fabric softener sheet to reduce static will make dusting less frequent and easier to handle. With this combination, when you pull your bedspread out of the dryer, it will be as fresh as a daisy and smell as good as a rose.
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