Out of all the rooms in our home, we tend to spend the most time in our bedroom. Now, while it may be true that on the average, we are asleep for 8 of the hours that we spend in there, it doesn't change the underlying fact. Because we spend so much of our time in our bedrooms, we look upon it as our oasis from the world. That is where bedding and bedroom furniture come in, since we use these items to set the tone for our room. However, do you know the quickest and most effective ways to take care of the bedding and bedroom furniture? The answers to your bedroom questions are here.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Bedroom' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Cleaning a Mattress
That unclean forgotten mattress could be making you sick. In as little as thirty minutes you could help fight those dirty little dust mites and prolong the use of your mattress.
Cleaning Decorative Pillows
Decorative pillows are great items that can help increase the beauty, and general comfort level, of almost any home design. However, cleaning decorative pillows can often present a few unique problems that need to be addressed. If the proper care isn't taken, these pillows can quickly go from being decorative, to being an eyesore.
Cleaning Out Your Closet
Closets are sometimes scary areas, and ones that need to be cleaned out regularly. If cleaning your closet freaks you out or intimidates, then here are some tips to help you get started.
Cleaning Out Your Clothes Closet
Cleaning out your closet does not have to be a huge all day process. You can have a clean closet in just a few days with only a couple of hours of work.
Cleaning the Kids Room
Lead by example if you expect your kids to keep their rooms clean. Teach them the basic steps to clean their rooms, set rules and expectations, and then follow through. Your kids will learn quickly that keeping their rooms clean is just another responsibility, and not a chore.
Getting Your Mattress Clean
Mattresses get used quite a bit, and it's not surprising if they get a little dirty now and again. However, the day might come when you'll want to clean your mattress, and here's how to do it.
How to Remove Silly Putty from Blankets
What's worse than trying to get Silly Putty out of carpeting? Try getting it out of fabric. It's even more difficult to accomplish, especially if the fabric is an angora blanket!
Make Your Beds Much Neater
If you add a stitch to the top center of all of your bedding, you will be able to line all of it up when you make the bed to have a perfectly centered bed. To perfectly center all of your bedding every time, but a stitch in the bottom of your bedding as well. Your bed will look as nice as one in a hotel.
Making a Bedroom Less Stuffy
One of the problems of a long winter is that bedrooms tend to become a tad stuffy and end up feeling claustrophobic. Instead of throwing your hands up in the air in despair, reclaim your bedroom during your annual spring cleaning regimen. When beginning your spring cleaning regimen, there are a few things that anyone can do to reclaim their bedroom and make it livable once again.
Neat Bedroom Closet
Your bedroom closet is nothing else than a filing cabinet for your clothes. Nobody ever thinks of throwing, or perhaps with more care, placing documents and folders into an unorganized filing cabinet. Would you be ashamed if you died tonight and someone else had to come and pack your things and to fulfill your wishes after you died?
Organizing Closets
Portable closets are a great way to not only keep your clothes great while you travel, but also help in organizing your closets at home. Whether you know it by the name of portable closet, or as a travel case, this type of equipment can be a huge help in cleaning and organizing your home.
Organizing Your Closet Clutter
Do your closets seem to be a black hole, perpetually collecting items but never giving anything up? You can clean up the clutter by trying a few simple, inexpensive ideas.
Organizing Your Dresser
Often one of the most overlooked aspects of keeping your bedroom looking good is to have a nicely organized dresser. While there is no magic formula for being able to live an organized life, there are some simple guidelines. Here are the guidelines that anyone can apply to their life.
Quick Clean Your Curtains and Bedspreads
Curtains and bedspreads are hard to clean, and running them through a wash cycle could damage them. To clean these items without damaging them, run them through the delicate cycle on your dryer. For even fresher results, throw a dryer sheet and a damp towel in the dryer with your curtains or bedspreads.
Removing Blood Stains from Bedding
How many times have you had to run into the kids room due to someone screaming in pain? Getting into the room, you find yourself faced with a crimson mess from one of the kids having a bloody nose. Blood can leave a terrible stain. Luckily, it's usually possible to get out if you catch it fresh enough. And if not? There's still a chance!
Removing Stains from Mattresses
Stains on mattresses may be covered with sheets, but they can still damage the mattress and should be removed to extend the life of the mattress. Start trying to remove the stain with just water, then move on to soap suds if water is not enough. For really tough stains, use upholstery shampoo. Make sure to use as little liquid as possible, since liquid can damage the mattress and allow mold to grow.
Removing Urine Smells from Mattresses
Removing urine and urine smells from a mattress isn't hard work, as long as you do it right. With just a little bit of patience, time, and elbow grease your mattress can smell clean once again. Here are a few suggestions to get the urine smell out of your mattress.
Restoring Plushies
Chances are we all have had a favorite stuffed plush animal at some point or another in our lives. With such fond memories of our plush friends, it only makes sense that we would like to be able to restore them to their rightful glory. The first step in restoring plushies is to learn how to clean them without actually ruining their fur.
Storing Sheets and Pillowcases
It's inevitable that you'll accrue a collection of sheets and pillowcases over your lifetime so you need a good way to store them. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Urine Stain Removal
Urine stains on clothing are best treated by rubbing a paste of baking soda and water on the stain, then soaking the garment in a mixture of vinegar and water. For urine on the carpet, blot the stain with a mixture of water, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol. Then soak up the stain with paper towels.