Jewelry Store Cleaning at Home
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated November 1, 2021)
Jewelry is something that can be important to just about everyone for a variety of reasons. Whether your jewelry is important to you because it cost an arm and a leg or it is important to you because of sentimental reasons, you are going to want to take care of it.
One of the simplest of ways to take care of your rings, bracelets, and earrings is to keep them clean. After all, you're not exactly going to shine if your earrings, bracelets, or other doo-dads don't sparkle. If you want truly dazzling jewelry, then there are a few simple guidelines that you need to follow.
- Cleaners. The type of cleaner that you decide to use is going to make a huge difference in how the jewelry is going to look. You can purchase your cleaner from a jewelry store, but while that will work wonderfully it will cost you. There are alternatives that you can use to help clean your jewelry. Toothpaste will clean just about any kind of jewelry without harming it, and for most things simple water will work quite well.
- Metal. When cleaning your rings, earrings, bracelets, or necklaces one of the things that you need to pay attention to is the type of metal of which it is made. You don't use the same kind of cleaner on silver as you do on gold or platinum, let alone any other kind of metal. Make sure that you are using a cleanser that will not damage your metal. For gold, simply soaking the jewelry for ten to fifteen minutes will work wonders. When cleaning silver jewelry, though, you want to use something that will help remove tarnish.
- Cloth. When you are cleaning your jewelry, you need to make sure that you use a cloth that will not damage the metal. Typically this means that you should use a soft cotton or microfiber cloth. These cloths are perfect for removing the vast majority of dirt and grime by themselves, without using any other type of cleanser. When used in conjunction with a cleanser or polish, then this vital piece of equipment will make your jewelry truly shine.
- Brush. You are not going to really be able to clean any piece of jewelry without using a brush. You want to stay away from using brushes that are too large or harsh bristled. For most pieces of jewelry you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush. If you use the wrong type of bristles, you will end up scratching or gouging your jewelry, which will lead to further cleaning hassles later on. Brushes can help remove gunk and dirt from those difficult nooks and crannies that you just can't reach with a cloth.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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