Jewelry is one of those things in our lives that we like to have all nice and clean. In fact, when they are clean we are usually able to see that beautiful sparkle that first attracted us to that particular piece of jewelry. Many jewelry stores make a pretty penny from cleaning rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Instead of paying someone else to clean your different pieces of jewelry, why not do it your self? Learn all the tricks necessary to keep your pretty sparklies looking like they came fresh from the jewelry stores. We'll even go over how to keep those jewelry boxes clean for you as well.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Jewelry' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Cleaning Brass Jewelry
You may be nervous about ruining your brass jewelry by cleaning or maintaining it incorrectly, but with care your jewelry can look better than ever. There are several options that you may want to try to get your jewelry looking its best.
Cleaning Gold
Gold has long been seen as a symbol of wealth and success. If your gold isn't cleaned properly though, then you will present a poor image indeed. So, is your gold a little dingy? Here is how you go about cleaning gold.
Cleaning Jewelry
Caring for your jewelry doesn't have to be problematic. Perform basic cleaning tasks on it consistently and you'll feel bejeweled in no time.
Cleaning Jewelry Boxes
Jewelry boxes are an excellent way to protect jewelry, but they work best (and look the best) when they are properly cleaned. Use cotton swabs, a damp cloth, and some glass cleaner to help you with the job.
Cleaning Silver Jewelry
When taken care of properly, silver jewelry can easily become an heirloom that is passed on from generation to generation. One of the best ways to ensure that this happens is by learning the proper cleaning method. All it takes is a little bit of time and the right tools.
Jewelry Cleaning
You do not need to spend a lot of money to have your jewelry professionally cleaned. Instead, using common household cleaners and equipment, you can clean your jewelry yourself. Follow these simple steps to clean your jewelry once a month and it will always look brand new and brilliant.
Jewelry Store Cleaning at Home
Like anything that can cost money, jewelry is something that you are going to want to take care of. One of the best ways to take care of your jewelry is to clean it. Cleaning your jewelry can cost you both time and money, so save a little bit of both by getting a jewelry store cleaning in your own home. Here's how.
Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner
One of the more annoying facts about jewelry is that no matter what you try, they seem to still get dirty. What's particularly frustrating is that even though you can spend hours cleaning jewelry, there always seems to be an area or two that you can't quite get as clean as you would want. But, what if you happen to use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner?