Removing Cigarette Smoke from a Plasma TV
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated January 3, 2022)
Typically one of the most frustrating things to try and remove from the home is cigarette smoke. Often it seems like no matter what you do to remove it, it is always coming back. There are ways to remove cigarette smoke from your home, but most of those methods shouldn't be used on the newly popular plasma TV. If you have been having difficulty removing cigarette smoke from a plasma TV, try these methods.
- Read your manual. Before you begin cleaning your plasma TV, you need to be sure that you are familiar with the dos and don'ts. The best way that you can do this is to read your owner's manual. Inside the owners manual you should find information about the methods recommended by the manufacturer for cleaning. This information will also let you know exactly what materials you can and can't use to clean your specific model of television
- Disconnect everything. Considering that you will be working with electronics, it is a good idea to disconnect your plasma TV before you begin cleaning. This will help you to avoid any unnecessary damage to your television, while also protecting you from potentially getting hurt. Keep in mind that liquids and electronics do not mix, and that the utmost care should be taken whenever you are cleaning your television.
- Be soft. The screen on your plasma TV is very fragile, and should be treated with care. This means that you need to use a clean soft rag, and extremely gentle pressure. If you push too hard on the screen you will run the risk of damaging it. A damaged plasma screen can cost a lot of money to be replaced, so be very careful when cleaning.
- Use liquids sparingly. Your first choice of cleaner should always be whatever the manufacturer recommends. However, there are times when that will not work as well as you may like. In situations like this, create a home cleaner made from roughly 1 part detergent with about 100 parts water. Put this cleaner into a spray bottle, and get your soft cloth (preferably a microfiber one) and spray the cleaner onto the cloth. You do not want to use a lot of liquid, so apply it only to the cloth, and not to the television directly. Carefully wipe away the grime that is on the screen until it has been cleaned off.
- Quit smoking. It would be nice to think that once you have cleaned your plasma TV of any cigarette smoke that it would stay that way. Unfortunately, this is not going to be the case if you continue to smoke. The only way to ensure that there is no further buildup of nicotine stains on your television would be to quit smoking, at the very least around your television.
Author Bio
Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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