Cigarettes and Tobacco
If you are anything like me, then chances are you have gotten tired of hearing about all the different health related risks that come from cigarettes and other tobacco products. Well, never fear this is not about that same boring old topic. What these articles are actually about is how to get rid of the stains and odors left by the diverse tobacco products available today. In these articles, we cover everything from how to get rid of the smell (or stains) left by smokeless tobacco, to the best way to clean cigarette stained walls. Quite often you are going to have all the tools necessary to do this job in your home already, so here is the knowledge that you need. Take a look.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Cigarettes and Tobacco' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Clean Your Ashtrays with Ease
Any smoker knows that ashes stick to ashtrays. You can stop this by putting various substances into your ashtrays, including furniture polish, which stops ashes from sticking to your ashtrays at all. Brushes can also help in getting off stubborn ashes.
Cleaning Nicotine Stained TVs
Anyone who smokes or works in a smoking area knows how difficult it is to keep nicotine from staining just about everything. One of the more difficult items to keep clean, for whatever reason, seems to be televisions. If you need a little extra help cleaning your nicotine-stained TV, then you're in luck. Here are some simple guidelines designed to help you.
Dealing with Cigarette Odor when Visiting
Hate the smell of cigarettes but have to visit someone who smokes? Here are some things you can do about the smell while you're with them.
Dealing with Cigarette Smoke
Smokers, those who live with smokers, and friends of smokers can all have problems dealing with smoke smells. Refusing to allow smoking in your home and using these other tips can help to eliminate smoke smells. Certain kinds of air purifiers, potpourri, or air fresheners can all help to disguise or remove smoke smells.
Remove Cigarette Smell from Your Car
Tired of having that lingering smell of cigarettes in your car? This unpleasant odor to non-smokers and even some smokers is difficult to remove. Read on to find out some ideas in removing the odor.
Remove Cigarette Smells from Trashcans
Used cigarettes can leave remains that linger even once they have been thrown away. Nowhere is this more common than in trashcans. Everyone knows that trashcans can collect and hold onto odors due to the nature of its purpose. Here's how you can get rid of that old cigarette odor, no matter how long it has been there.
Removing Cigarette Smoke from a Plasma TV
Plasma televisions are becoming increasingly popular as time goes by. As such, it is becoming more and more necessary for everyone to know how to clean them. Here is a great method for removing cigarette smoke from a plasma TV.
Removing Nicotine Stains
Nicotine stains can be difficult if not impossible to remove. If you have years of buildup, wash the walls with a mixture of water and trisodium phosphate. You can also use ammonia, either straight or mixed with vinegar and liquid detergent.
Removing Tobacco Odors and Stains from Clothing
Tobacco odors and stains are gross and sometimes impossible to remove from your clothes. Don't lose heart though because you actually can remove those stains and still have great looking clothes.
Removing Tobacco Smell from Upholstery
Tobacco smoke, for all its health risks and other problems has one overriding problem—it stinks! Even after a smoker has long since gone, you can still find yourself remembering them every time you get into a car, RV, truck, or even around a couch that someone has smoked in. Removing tobacco smell from upholstery is possible, if you use one of these simple methods.
Whitening Tobacco-Stained Whites
As any current or ex-smoker can tell you, few things are more difficult than removing tobacco stains from clothing. How do you go about removing those annoyingly grungy discolorations from your garments? Here is how an amateur can get professional results.