In the past, and in some parts of the country still, shutters were used as a means for protecting and preserving windows. Over time though, as glass has become a stronger, shutters have been used less for protection and more for decoration. In fact, most homes now do not have any functional shutters, but rather something that is set next to windows that look like the old traditional items. Since shutters are primarily used on the exterior of the house, you can easily imagine just how dirty they can get. Keeping shutters clean can be an easy task, as long as you follow these simple guidelines.
- Interior or exterior shutters? While most shutters are kept outdoors, there are some that are inside. Keep in mind that different methods are used to clean indoor shutters, as opposed to the ones that are outside. Primarily, shutters that are indoors will only need to be dusted, and periodically vacuumed in order to be cleaned. However, exterior shutters will take more effort on your part.
- Identify the material. Typically, modern exterior shutters are made from materials other than wood. Usually these shutters are made from materials like vinyl or aluminum. To clean these types of materials you should only need to hose them down, apply a little soapy water with a sponge, and then rinse off. However, with exterior shutters that are made from wood, you will need to be as careful as possible when using water. The reason for this is that the water used to clean your shutters may make them warp. Use as little water as possible, and dry them off as quickly as possible.
- Periodic cleaning. Interior shutters should be cleaned at least once a week to maintain proper cleanliness. When cleaning an interior shutter, make sure that you are using the softest tool possible to avoid damaging them. Exterior shutters should be checked on a weekly basis, and cleaned at least once a month. Just as with interior shutters, avoid using anything that is excessively abrasive to clean them. Abrasive items could potentially damage the finish or sealant that is on the shutter, allowing them to become weathered much more quickly.
- Keep up on your maintenance. The best possible way to keep your shutters nice and clean is to also keep on the maintenance of the shutters. Make sure that they are properly attached to the home like they should be. Sand, paint, and reseal the shutters when they begin to look abused. Every little chink in the shutters "armor" will make the whole job of cleaning them much more difficult.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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